BOOK REVIEW: The Mentor Leader, by Tony Dungy

In my second review of a Tony Dungy book, The Mentor Leader, takes a focused approach to the valuable attributes of a mentor leader.  Looking at eight different sides of this unique approach to leadership, Tony makes the case for a very humble style of leadership, while citing stories from various heroes of the football arena.  Most of the stories are found here, so the application takes some stretching for women, mothers or anyone not involved or interested in football.  Yet I did find it an interesting read, with valuable points to share.  The very servant-esque element of his approach is probably what I related to most, and the stories were a bonus.  For example, “If you do it right, as a mentor leader you may make it all but impossible for other people to give you credit.”  Amazing.  He even argues that character (off the field especially) matters, in contributing to your personal, leadership and team’s success.  Refreshing.

Each chapter is concluded with several thought-provoking questions, or action points to make the learning process functional.

I would recommend this book to a very-sports-oriented team player, and aspiring leader to bring Tony’s perspective home.

This review was completed with a library copy, for the Tyndale Summer Reading Program, which you can join also!


Tony Dungy website




Book Review: Put Your Dream to the Test, by John C. Maxwell

In his 52nd book, the tenth of which I now have in my own home, John C. Maxwell brings the esoteric dream into living, breathing color.  Coming from the simple perspective that most of us have a dream, yet lack the tools to turn its greyness into the black-and-white of reality, he proposes ten leading questions to help us get there.  My version of this book also included its companion volume: My Dream Map, a 50-page workbook for personalizing, journaling, and living your vision.

As with any Maxwell book, the challenge comes early: Put your dream to the test.  Spiced with powerful quotes, energizing stories of common-name successes, he draws you through the 10 questions to uncover the gritty realities of a dream you may only have held to yourself.  From the beginning of the book, he encourages sharing with three people you are close to, for both evaluation and encouragement of this pursuit.  Whether you can only tackle small portions of this book, or are working through the entire thing with your goal clearly in mind, or even simply need inspiration to allow yourself to dream, Maxwell has provided it.  Consistently, he also points solidly towards Jesus as the author of our dreams, and the enabler of them to be accomplished.

I found his engaging style to be an easy read, perfect for myself, or a gift – Father’s Day?  I highly recommend it.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my review, as part of the Booksneeze review blogger group.  You can join also!  Just click on the button at your right.